A Short Story About Love, 1992/2006 Sleepwalker, 1998 Dedalus Fascination, 1998 Triptych about a Horseman of Apocalypse, 2005/2006 Mothers Hate Wars, 1998 /2003 The Torment, 2004/2007 The Kiss, 2002/2007 Short story about women and men, 1989 Warsaw - Old Town Square, 2001 Dream of Warsaw Triumph of the Love, 2011 Desire, 2011 Music Inspiration, 2001 Short story about contemporary man III, 1993/2008 Dream of Warsaw, 2001/2015 The Muse, 2001/2005 Dream of Warsaw: Castle Square and Sigimunt`s Column, 2001/2015 Peoples like a flowers, 2011/2012 Conversation with A., 2013/2015 Childhood - Paradise lost 2013/2015 The Muse Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście, 2016 Dream of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście, 2016 Dream of Warsaw, 2016 Warsaw, Freta Street, 2016 Sen o Warszawie, Centrum Dream of Warsaw, 2016 Otwarta dusza, 2018 Lovers, 2015/2019 Melpomena, 2018 Melpomena, 2018 Alter Ego, 2020 Dancing Woman, 2020 Woman au sote Carpe Diem II, 2002/2017 Temptation, 2011/2019 Porwanie Europy, 2018 The live - sacrum and profanum, 2011/2015 Tryptyk Pasyjny, 1988/2006 Solitude, 2005/2018 Porwanie Europy IX, 2018 Porwanie Europy, 2018 I love you - wait, 2002 Mothers hates the wars, 1998/2017 Temptation, 2002/2007 Balanga, 2012 Muman paradise, 2018 Splin, 2018 Mack cat, 2019 Fly away, 2019 Cin Cuses, 2019 Untitled, 2022